Sgt Stripes: The Male Purrspective



Hi folks, it’s Sergeant Stripes!  Last week, you all heard a very interesting story from my new housemate Onyx.  I’m here now to offer my purrspective.  Let me begin by saying I’m very flattered, but I really was just trying to be nice to both my new housemates.  I’m not madly in love with anyone. 

For starters, Onyx stole my room.  Mom explained that it’s because she’s a poor kitty with no place else to go, so we have to be nice, but I used to have four bedrooms, and now I’m down to two, maybe three.  It depends on whether you count the one Mom shares with me, since I also have to share it with Gypsy now.  And don’t get me wrong, she’s a nice kitty… when she’s not hissing and swiping at me for getting too close to her.  I think she might still be holding how we met against me.  

I didn’t mean to scare anyone, I just really like playing pounce.  And Onyx and Gypsy were playing along too, because their eyes got really huge and they tried to run away, just like they were actually prey!  Or, uh, that’s what I thought.  Mom told me they were actually scared I was trying to eat them.  Like I would forget the most important house rule (No eating family members.).  Um, again.  [Editor’s Note: This is something of a recurring problem for Sarge.  Poor George still has nightmares. Sometimes he has trouble editing the pictures.]  

But anyway, that’s why I was trying to make up for it by being extra nice to the two new kitties!  Because even if I’m not entirely sure why they have to get my bedrooms (And my litter box.  And my humans.  And my kibble!), I know we need to be good hosts.  So I started spending more time with both of the new arrivals.  I didn’t think Onyx would take it the way she did, especially after she got so mad when I tried to share her food (that’s why I stopped spending time with her).  I didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings.  

That’s why I’ve decided that Onyx and Gypsy should both be allowed to spend  as much time as they want with me!  I’m bigger than both of them, so if they want to, they can both cuddle with me at the same time.  I’m not sure about romance just yet, but I do want to make friends.  Right now, nobody wants to play pounce with me.  And Gypsy doesn’t always share my cool Christmas blankie with me.  But I figure we can all be friends, we just got off on the wrong paw.  

Mom says that they were more territorial because they didn’t have four bedrooms where they came from.  Actually, Gypsy didn’t even have one.  So I guess I get why I have to share.  I can’t even really use all four bedrooms at once, so it’s not that big a deal.  Although I wouldn’t have minded a housewarming vole.  I figure if I’m extra nice and we all get along, then they won’t mind sharing with me, and I can get my beds back.  Even if I don’t, two beds isn’t really a bad deal for two new playmates!  

And Gypsy can be a really fun playmate.  Even when we’re not playing pounce, we do have a lot of common interests, like shredding toilet paper.  She found a roll that the humans left out, and it was just like when I first got here–they still haven’t gotten all the shreds picked up!  She also has really good taste in kibble.  She also likes wet food though, which I think is kind of weird.  But it does mean that I get treats while she gets her wet food!  

Onyx has been tougher to get close to.  She got really hung up over when I shared her treats.  It wasn’t my fault she didn’t get any, she was just too slow!  …I guess I should say sorry about that one.  I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings Onyx, and I agree that creamy dairy treats, fluffy blankets, and jingly balls are the best.  I hope you’ll come out and play with us soon, and you can bat around my jingly silvervine ball!  It’s awesome.  Then all three of us could hang out, and that would be awesome, too.  

17 thoughts on “Sgt Stripes: The Male Purrspective

  1. Sgt. Stripes…I can’t help but be bowled over by your handsomeness. So when you give your prospective, I find myself agreeing with you. However, I am a lady cat and I may have shared Onyx and Gypsy’s perspective if I had been there too. I would like to suggest being more gentle. The girls are smaller than you. Think of them.

  2. dood…eye total lee get it…gurlz can be…well…gurlz

    anyway, if ya ever wanna play pounce, ewe bee wel come

    in trout towne, then uz doodz can due sum fishin sorta

    any tim,,,, coz ewe noe fish…they can bee…well, lunch

    brake, dinner brake ore even snak time ‼️😺💙🐟


  3. Sgt. Stripes your one awesome mancat we’re sure you’ll all be playmates and hang out together. xx😽🐈🐈‍⬛🐾

  4. Aw, Sarge. You are so sweet. I’m sure one day in the future you will all be good friends. These things just take time. Keep up the sharing and no eating family, and I’m sure it will all work out. You are such the cutie.

  5. We bet that you’ll end up all three together soon, Sgt Stripes. You’re a very kind man, and handsome too, and the ladies, well…they’ll give in…we’re sure about that😸😺Double Pawkisses for a Happy and Relaxed Day to all of you🐾😽💞

  6. Mee-yow Sgt Stripess mee-yow wow….reedin yore purrspective iss a REEL eye opener! Iss ahrd fore all of youss’ to adjust an this will take time! Onyx an Gypsy are probably a bit tra-ma-tized from all that happened…. Mee hopess you all beecome THE 3 Amigoess soon!

    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

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