Onyx: A Love Story Gone Wrong


It’s everyone’s favorite black cat, Onyx. And I have awful news! If you didn’t know, my human moved herself, both mini humans, and Angel, Gypsy, and myself in with her mom (AKA my editor) and her brother (AKA my purrsonal chef). And while we sadly were split from Thunder, we got to make friends with all of the northern kitties! One of whom is Sgt Stripes (although my human calls him Big Kitty). When we moved in, I was scared because the big human my person lived with was loud and mean. So when I met Sgt Stripes, I was not very nice (he wanted to play “Pounce”. As in, all 14 pounds of him pounced on all 6 pounds of me. I thought he was hunting me. I was terrified). So I hissed and hid under the bed from him (turns out, he can fit under the bed). And then the mini blonde human started feeding him MY treats. And MY kibble. It was awful! But still, he decided I was his uptown cat. And he was in love with me. 

So here I am, getting all of this attention, some snuggles, love, and it’s great! (Or, at least, when Stripes wasn’t stealing my food, it was great.) And I’m thinking I could get used to this, I’m not ready to get married or share my sunspot, but yeah, Sgt Stripes is cool and I’ll keep him around. When out of nowhere, Gypsy moves upstairs (where Sarge and I were coexisting). Now, Gypsy and I have a history. She forced me into a corner and was terrorizing me when she moved in with us. So I’m not her biggest fan. But apparently, Angel was eating all of her food downstairs, so she had to come upstairs to rehabilitate, as she looked starved. I was not happy. But Gypsy mostly stayed in my editor’s room, so I figured I could make it work. I could stay in my human’s room or the bathroom and ignore Gypsy. 

Apparently before all of the uptown cats moved in, Sgt Stripes reigned supreme over the whole upstairs, including our editor’s room. So Gypsy (at about 3 pounds) forced him out. But then he kept hearing from the humans that “he could sit on her and crush her” and “he shouldn’t let her force him out of his spot”. So Sgt Stripes gradually started sitting with Gypsy. First in the room, then on the bed with her. And before long, he was courting her! 

To Sgt Stripe’s credit, at first he tried to stay with me while remaining cordial with Gypsy. But with me, it’s either all or nothing. So then he tried to be friends. But I don’t do friends. I tried that with Thunder, and she moved away. My human says I have antisocial purrsonality disorder, but I disagree. I just know my worth. So then, Sarge started totally ignoring me for Gypsy! I couldn’t believe it! I’m the prettier, smarter, better of the two. But I guess we all have to make our own mistakes. 

And to top this off, he dumped me right before Valentine’s Day, and he’s still eating my treats and kibble! Everyone knows that my favorite treats are the Temptations creamy dairy or the beef. So instead of eating his favorite, backyard BBQ or lobster, Sarge steals my one joy in life. He also tries to steal my human on her work from home days! Even when she gets up in the morning, he runs right up to her, wanting jaw and tummy rubs. And Gypsy keeps trying to demand food from my human! They have no respect what-so-ever. And it’s not like they would starve for either food or attention. My editor and chef can take care of them, probably better than my human can! 

So now I’m left broken hearted, with no friends and no cats to hang out with, all because Gypsy had to come upstairs and ruin everything. It’s hard to blame Sgt Stripes; he’s a big, adorable, loveable goofball. And while he is responsible for his own actions, I’m sure he was taken back by my beauty (and the tastiness of my treats! It’ll take a while for me to forgive him for that one). 

Now, my human had said that this was my fault, but we all know that’s not true. I was so betrayed. My boyfriend left me for my arch-rival! All because I hissed and hid from him (but let’s be real, he was terrifying when he played Pounce. I feared for my life)! Everyone says he’s the sweetest cat ever and would never hurt a fly, but if he’s capable of stealing my kibble, who knows what else he was capable of! 

And that concludes my horrible, awful, truly terrible love tale. Take it from me, relationships are just not worth it. Instead of a companion, get yourself some creamy dairy treats, a fluffy blanket, and a jingly ball to bat around. You can’t go wrong with that! To Gypsy and Sgt Stripes, I hope you’re both happy, but that I get the best sunspots. And to all of my readers, have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, and don’t forget to adore all black cats you come across!

We want to thank everyone for the beautiful words and thoughts you’ve been sending us regarding Kommando Kitty. And especially Ingrid Rickmar for the beautiful badge at the upper right and Ms. Ellen for the wonderful card.

23 thoughts on “Onyx: A Love Story Gone Wrong

  1. Mama to Kommando, I am so sorry for my mis-spelling of Kommando’s name when I wrote about her last week. XXOOXX

    That was the saddest Valentine story ever told. What an awful thing, Onyx. Sgt. Stripes, Lady cats are a different thing from casual playmates. They have feelings. Maybe you have learned something more about them now.  

  2. onyx…..ewe iz a gorgeouz gal and even if stripes iz lookin
    gypsy’s way….doez knot meen they iz gonna get mare reed
    tho frank lee, we all heer in trout towne haz ree maned UN
    mare reed for thiz, and other reezonz…any way…single
    iz de way two be, noe commit mentz …ya noe ‼️💙😺💚🐟

    • Thank you! I do think I’ll enjoy single life for a while… maybe I’ll guilt my human into getting me some premium treats!

  3. Yup!! I could go ahead, (me, Katie) and blog about that and some male kitties that Mom had. But Mom probably will on her own Mom bloggie instead. Hang in Beautiful Onyx. You WILL win.

  4. I bet you could go downstairs and keep poor Snoops company as she is missing her sister. You’re welcome for the card. XO

  5. Deerest Onyx wee so sorry you an Sgt Stripess did not werk out. Man catss can bee so confusin can’t they?? Sumtimess they due not nose what to due around beeuteefull Black kittiess like us!

    Our Beeutee iss our curse two!

    Wee have mailed a card to youss’ an hope you get it soon. Wee so furry sad. Wee miss Kommando two.

    ~~~~head rubss~~~~BellaDharma~~~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  6. Oh, Onyx, you are better off without men! And you are so adorable, don’t worry, you’ll make new friends soon. Let the lovebirds have each other, you are independent and strong and don’t need that mushy stuff!! Happy Valentines day

  7. Awww, poor Onyx. I bet if you met my big brother Noir you would fall in love all over again. He iz black just like you. I think you are pretty and Sgt. Stripes iz owt of hiz mind to chooze Gypsy over you. Noir would love you, I’m sure of it. Mom sez I should not play matchmaker though becuz Noir can find hiz own love when he iz reddy. It’s the single life for me. I love your post and subscribed today. I can’t wait to read more of your adventurez!

    • Your brother sounds pawsome! I’m sure we would make a dapper couple. Ant thank you for subscribing! We’re excited to continue to share our adventures!

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